7 Comp-XM - 7.2 Exams and 7.3 Exam Dashboard


7.2 Exams

Upon clicking My Comp-XM Exams from the professor pages, professors are taken to the Exams page. This page lists all exams. Exams status falls into three categories:

  • Pending (An exam that has yet to begin.)
  • Active (An exam that is in progress.)
  • Completed (An exam that is finished.)

7.3 Exam Dashboard

Clicking the name of any exam on the Exams page opens that exam's Dashboard.

The Exam Dashboard is a central area from which instructors access the tools needed to administer and review the Comp-XM exam. The page includes a link to a sample of the Comp-XM participant environment, including Board Queries (see 7.4 The Comp-XM Participant Environment on page 42).

7.3.1 Exam Preferences

This area allows instructors to change whether results will be available to participants at the end of each round, when the exam is complete or not at all. 

Comparative scoring methods can also be set. Participants can be compared against:

  • All Comp-XM participants;
  • Participants within the same peer group (Undergraduates, Graduates, etc.);
  • Participants within the same simulation (Capstone or Foundation); or
  • Participants within the same peer group and simulation.

Time zone and date formats are also set via preferences.

7.3.2 Exam Editor

Located in the center of the Dashboard, the Exam Editor allows quick access to exam elements.

Clicking any cell beneath the Scorecards tab allows instructors to review the current Balanced Scorecard criteria.

Clicking any cell beneath the Questions tab allows instructors to review the current set of Board Query questions.

Clicking any cell beneath the Deadlines tab allows instructors to review and update round start and stop times.

By default, all Comp-XM exams are self-paced, that is participants can progress at their individual speed through the four rounds of the simulation and the five sets of Board Queries. Instructors need only enter a Round 1 start time and a Final deadline by clicking the appropriate rows in the Deadlines column.

Instructors who prefer to schedule rounds will enter round start and stop times for all four rounds and a final deadline for answering the final set of Board Queries.

Self-Paced exams only require a Round 1 start time and a Final deadline.

The Students tab opens an area where you can add or subtract the Capstone or Foundation sections you want associated with the Comp-XM exam. All participants registered in those sections will be assigned to the exam.

Exam Editor, Pending Exams

Instructors can customize Pending Exams with their own set of Board Queries or Balanced Scorecard values.

Participant's results can be compared to their peers, for example, Graduate and Undergraduate or Capstone and Foundation. However, if the Balanced Scorecard is customized or if the Board Queries are customized by adding more than five questions or deleting more than five questions from the standard exam, comparative data will not be available.

While this option creates flexibility, most instructors use the default questions and Balanced Scorecard values. If the exam is Pending, clicking the Scorecard cell in each row allows instructors to customize the Scorecard for that round. Clicking the Scorecard cell in the Final row allows instructors to customize the cumulative measures for Rounds 1-4.

If the exam is Pending, clicking the Question cell in each row allows instructors to customize the Board Queries for that round or the Final Board Query.

Exam Editor, Active Exams

Board Query and Balanced Scorecard values can be reviewed but cannot be changed for Active exams. Schedules for Active Exams can be adjusted.

Grading Essays

If they are scheduled, essay questions are reviewed and graded from the Exam Editor: A pencil icon appears when essays are uploaded and ready for review. Essay questions have a default point value. When grading, professors assign a percentage to each response. For example, if a participant answers an essay question worth 50 points and the professor awards 50%, the participant would receive 50% of 50 points or 25 points.

Essay questions are not part of the Capsim default question sets.

7.3.3 Review Board Queries as a Student

This link allows instructors to review a facsimile of the participant's Comp-XM environment (see 7.4 The Comp-XM Participant Environment on page 42).

7.3.4 Student Progress

Instructors use a search form to open the Student Progress area. Selecting All displays every participant.

Scores in Progress

During the exam, Board Query answers and Balanced Scorecard results for each individual participant are available via Student Progress. At the conclusion of the exam, the Student Results area displays comprehensive results (see 7.3.4 Student Results below).

Tardy Students

If Comp-XM is not set for self-paced, instructors have two methods to catch tardy participants up with rest of the class. Instructors can advance participants from the Student Progress area, or opt to have those participants proceed in Self-Paced mode. Instructors can also undo simulation rounds and their associated Board Queries for individual participants.

If instructors undo a round for a participant, that participant will not receive a percentile rank in the 7.3.4 Student Results area, however the Raw Score will remain available (see 7.3.4 Student Results below).

7.3.5 Student Results

When Comp-XM completes, the links in the Student Results area become active.

Prior to exam completion, instructors can review participant Board Query answers and Balanced Scorecard results via the Student Progress area (see 7.3.3 Student Progress above).

Student Scores

Comp-XM Student Scores show the exact results for the Balanced Scorecard and the Board Queries. The page also provides links to a breakdown of each participant's Balanced Scorecard results and Board Query answers for each round.

Comparative Scores

Comp-XM Comparative Scores include a graphic display of each participants' percentiles based upon the performance of comparable groups (for example, other undergraduates).

Class Standings

The Class Standings link allows instructors to compare their participants' standings against the performance of comparable groups (for example, other undergraduates).

Assurance of Learning

The Assurance of Learning area generates reports designed to assist in the evaluation of specific learning goals. The reports can be used as supporting documentation (in conjunction with other methods and measures) for learning assessment purposes.

Export Data as a CSV File

CSV files, which can be imported into a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet, are available from the Student Results area. CSV files are a great way to archive results.