3 Instructor Environment - 3.4 Manage Course


3.4 Manage Course

The Manage Course area controls all Industries within the course.

3.4.1 Administration

From this area, instructors can update course title and numbers, adjust start and stop dates and add the Comp-XM exam.

Capstone users also have the option of preventing participants from seeing the Adobe® Acrobat® PDF translations of the Guide. The translations are on by default (see 4.10.3 Guide PDFs).

3.4.2 Schedule Rounds

Most simulations are comprised of three sets of rounds:

  • Rehearsal Tutorial (individual activity)
  • Practice Rounds (team activity)
  • Competition Rounds (team activity)

The Rehearsal Tutorial is not scheduled. The Rehearsal Tutorial is an individual exercise that participants can run at any time (see 4.5.2).

The Rehearsal Tutorial is not part of the Practice Rounds!

Capsim recommends entering Practice and Competition Round start and stop times, however doing so is not mandatory.

If you need industries to go by different schedules, please create a separate Course - all industries under a single Course will have the same schedule.

The schedule has three sections:

  • Practice Rounds
  • A Restart from Practice Rounds to Competition Rounds entry (See 3.4.3 Schedule Restart and 3.5.5 Manual Restart.)
  • Competition Rounds

Footrace Simulations can be set to self-paced. When set for self-paced, participants will see a link under their Dashboard |Task List that allows them to progress to the next round once one set of decisions has been uploaded (see 4.4 Dashboard).

Practice Rounds

Practice Rounds give companies an opportunity to learn to work as a group. Click the calendar icon to select a date, when the calendar opens, click the desired date for the round deadline. This will close the calendar and the selected date appears on the page.

Next, click the Time select box. Each hour has a Manual and Auto Process option.

Dates and times set to Manual Process will appear on the participants' schedules, however, instructors will have to manually process the simulation from round to round (see 3.5.1 Process Round).

The link for Manual Process, Process Round, appears under the Manage Industry heading.

Selecting an Auto Process time tells the system to advance the Course's Industries automatically from one round to the next.

Instructors can view the results immediately upon processing. If instructors wish to look at the round results before the participants, the system can be set to delay participant access.


At the conclusion of the Team Practice Rounds, the simulation must be restarted to begin the Competition Rounds. Restarts can be scheduled. All Industries within the course will be restarted at the scheduled time. See 3.4.3 Schedule Restart (Tournament) and 3.5.6 Restart Industries (Footrace Only).

Entering a Restart date in the Schedule does not Schedule a Restart.

Competition Rounds

As with Practice Rounds, Competition Rounds can be scheduled to process automatically by selecting Auto Process. Otherwise, the Industry will need to be manually processed (see page 13).

Also as with Practice Rounds, the system can be set to delay participant access to the information.

Be sure to press the Click Here to Update Simulation button. This will transmit the schedule to the system.

3.4.3 Schedule Restart (Tournament)

Restarting allows instructors to reconfigure the simulation's optional modules.

Restarting the simulation ends the current simulation and clears all decisions and results. Instructors can also perform a Manual Restart (see 3.5.5 Manual Restart).

Scheduling a Restart will restart all the industries listed under your course. If you need to stagger the industry restart, please use Manual Restart in the Manage Industry area (see 3.5.5 Manual Restart).

3.4.4 Master Schedule

The Master schedule displays all round and participant activities entered for the simulation.

3.4.5 Professor Comments

Optional professor comments can be entered in this area. If entered, the comments display on each participant's Dashboard (see 4.4 Dashboard).

3.4.6 Conferences

Within each industry, conferences allow instructors to post information viewable by all participants (Class Conference).

In Tournament mode, instructors can also post information to individual company conferences. Participants have the ability to post to their own company conference, or to the class conference. For example, the Andrews company could post a "Press Release" announcing its intention to introduce a new product.

3.4.7 Email

Users do not need an external email address to use the Capsim Mail System. All correspondence is posted in this area.

If the recipient and sender both have external email addresses, this system will attempt to send a duplicate message to each recipient's external email address, however, Capsim cannot guarantee delivery to external email addresses.

Participants access the email system from their Help section (see 4.10 Help).