Team Member Guide

  Analyst Report Customer Satisfaction

Examples Continued

Let’s continue the examples from above:

After considering my product's price, design, and awareness, I think my product would score about: Its accessibility is: So it will fall halfway to its estimated score times its accessibility, or halfway to: Ending up with a Survey score halfway in between, or about:
50 0% 0, because 50 * 0% = 0 25
51 60% 31, because 51 * 60% = 31 41
14 30% 4, because 14 * 30% = 4 9

To be precise, multiply the score you think your product deserves based upon its mix of price, product design, and promotion by (1- (100%-accessibility)/2). In the examples above:

50 * (1 – (100% – 0%)/2) = 50 * (1 – (50%)) = 50 * 50% = 25

51 * (1 – (100% – 60%)/2) = 51 * (1 – (20%)) = 51 * 80% = 41

14 * (1 – (100% – 30%)/2) = 14 * (1 – (35%)) = 14 * 65% = 9