5 Running Footraces - 5.2 Forming Companies


5.2 Forming Companies

Footrace industry numbers will end with a suffix of _000. As each participant company forms, a sub-industry will be created and assigned a unique suffix, for example _123.

Ask one person on each team to be its Founder by creating a Holding Company on the website. To do this, the Founder registers into the Footrace then:

  • Logs into the Capsim website;
  • Selects the Footrace industry;
  • Selects the Dashboard link;
  • Clicks Join or Form a Company and selects Form;
  • Enters the name of the team's holding company.

The remaining team members can now enter the company by clicking Join or Form a Company.

Why do teams need to name their company in a Footrace? In a Footrace all teams manage the same participant company, which is usually Andrews. The computer manages the remaining competitors. Therefore, the instructor needs some way to tell one team from another.

While participants are allowed to make up their own company names, instructors can direct participants to enter specific company names, for example "1001," "1002," etc. This can be helpful when managing large classes.

Participants also have the option of restricting others from joining the company by checking Close Registration.