Modules What determines the length of a strike?


Labor looks at the Starting Positions from every company and constructs a set of demands based on either the best offers received from all the companies, or the 10% across-the-board increase they have already asked for, whichever is higher.

If your Negotiation Ceiling is lower than Labor's Demand, labor will strike.

Strike length depends on the gaps between the positions.

Workers will strike one week for:

  • Every $1 your Wage Negotiation Ceiling is beneath Labor's Demand;
  • Every $300 your Benefits Negotiation Ceiling is beneath Labor's Demand;
  • Every 1% your Profit Sharing Negotiation Ceiling is beneath Labor's Demand;
  • Every 1% your Annual Raise Negotiation Ceiling is beneath Labor's Demand.

The maximum number of strike days is 84.