You Are Now In Charge

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Congratulations! You are now in charge of an electronic sensor manufacturing company. Your company was recently formed when a former monopoly was broken up into identical competitors. Fortunately the industry is growing at a healthy rate, but customers expect faster, smaller and cheaper sensors each year.

In addition, your competition is out to leave you in the dust. To beat them you have to improve your product line while increasing productivity not an easy trick in a competitive environment. You and your competitors have access to the industry newspaper, The Capstone Courier. This is a complete year-end report of the sensor industry; customer buying patterns, product placements, manufacturing capacity and public financial information. Knowledge is power. If you have a question about your company, your customer, or a competitor, start with The Capstone Courier. Don't skip the Team Member Guide and the online Team Member Guide. They contain important information and tips on using the simulator to achieve your company goals.