How do I change decimals from commas to periods in Excel® (International Settings)

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Capstone.xls requires decimals to display as periods, not commas. Making this change is simple.

Excel® 2003 Instructions

To change the setting, open Excel® to a blank workbook. Then go to Tools>Options.


Choose the International tab from the options. Uncheck the "Use system separators" checkbox. Next, enter a period for the "Decimal separator" and a comma for the "Thousands separator" then click OK.


Excel® 2007 Instructions

Open Excel® to a blank workbook. Go to Office Button found in the upper left (The Office Button is the circle with the Windows logo inside). Click Excel Options, to the lower right.


Click the Advanced option. Uncheck the "Use system separators" checkbox. Next, enter a period for the "Decimal separator" and a comma for the "Thousands separator" then click OK.
